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Join a Choir!

All students, faculty, and staff at Texas State University are welcome in the choral department! Auditions for all choral ensembles are held the two class days prior to the start of the Fall and Spring semester. 

Auditions consist of vocalization, pitch matching exercises and sight-reading. A prepared piece is not required. Students will be placed in the ensemble that best suits their musical and vocal development, as well as experience level.

  • A prepared piece is not required. At the audition you will be asked to vocalize, to hear your range and timbre; perform pitch matching exercises and sight read.


  • We require all students to audition in order to ensure placement in an ensemble appropriate to their current skill level. Any singer who is uncomfortable about auditioning can contact Dr. Lynn Brinckmeyer or Mr. Craig Aamot to sing for them privately. Every student who auditions will be assigned to an ensemble. No one is ever turned away.

  • During your audition the choral faculty will assess various aspects of your singing and musical skills. Once all auditions have been heard, students will be placed in ensembles based on the students current abilities. Consideration is also given to section balance in each choir.

  • Yes. All choral ensembles are 1-credit classes. It is against University policy to have current Texas State students participate in any class without being registered.

  • No. If you need to include the credit in pre-registration, register for Men's or Women's Choir. This can be easily adjusted after auditions. If you have a particular choir in mind, be sure to leave the rehearsal time free.