SWT/TXST Alumni Choir
Come and sing with some of your favorite directors from school, AND visit all your favorite places in San Marcos with old friends. Information and registration for 2025 is coming soon!
Texas State University's Choral Program has nothing but pride for our alumni! Our alumni represent the University as some of the most successful choral educators and performers across the state and throughout the world!
Come to this page to find out about the next Alumni Choir, see what's happening at the University now, and see what you can do to stay involved with The Rising Star of Texas!

The choral department at Texas State wants to stay connected with our alumni! Just because you graduated doesn't mean that you aren't a Bobcat anymore!
Please take a few moments to click the KEEP IN TOUCH BUTTON and complete the information form. We'll be certain to include you in announcements about Choral Activities at Texas State -- Alumni Choir dates, current events, concerts, successes, AND hopefully keep you connected to other members of the Texas State/SWT Choral Family!