Texas State Chorale
Texas State Chorale is the premiere choral ensemble in the Texas State School of Music. With a broad repertoire ranging from chant to commissions of 21st C. leading composers, this ensemble of 28-32 voices performs pieces from the vast choral canon that enrich the musical experience of both the musicians and the audience members. Recent concerts have included the twenty-one spiritual madrigals in Orlando di Lassus’ Lagrime di San Pietro and Vigilia of Einojuhani Rautavaara, and the St. John Passion by J. S. Bach conducted by Maestro Craig Hella Johnson. Texas State Chorale has performed through refereed audition for the state TMEA Conference, the Southwest Division of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) conference, the national ACDA conference, and the International Kodàly Festival. Tours with this ensemble have included Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Garden Route of South Africa, and China.
Chorale welcomes singers from all across campus. Rehearsals are Monday 5:00 - 6:20 & Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 – 1:50 PM in M222.